How can I sleep
when I have so much
I need to do
How can I sleep
when there are so many projects
I have left undone
How can I sleep
when she’s depressed
and brimming with anxiety
How can I sleep
when I know the country
has elected a moron again
How can I sleep
when my neighbors have a bone to pick
wishing for nothing more than to see me gone
How can I sleep
when children look at me
like they want to eat me
How can I sleep
with this racket that isn’t there
it’s only my tinnitus
How can I sleep
when there’s another crisis
for me to endure
How can I sleep
when I have yet to write
the great American short story
How can I sleep
when the novel I’m writing
has been untouched for years
How can I sleep
when I’m shaky
and my mind is racing
How can I sleep
when I’ve overdone it
with my caffein consumption
How can I sleep
when this rotten anxiety
keeps me awake for another night